The Role of Fivefold Ministry (Part 3)

Now as pointed out before (in the book, Charismatic Captivation), the Church is the quintessential Theocracy. Its govern­ment is not a political government wherein the governed themselves constitute, devise, and effect their own government, such as that of this nation, the United States, which is a form of democracy (republic), supposedly “of the people, for the people, and by the people.”  Rather, the Church is literally governed by a singular Supreme Potentate—the Lord Jesus Christ—who God has appointed as its Sole and Sovereign Head. The absolute necessity of understanding this one concept is emphasized and re‑emphasized repeatedly in this volume, and indeed is the ultimate and salient point of this book.

But, once it is understood that Christ Jesus Himself is the ultimate Head and Cornerstone of the Church, it is just as vital to understand that the government that Jesus presides over is an intermediated or proxy government in its physical application. In other words, He does not govern alone, nor directly, nor even in person. Rather, His government is a “representative” or “delegate” form of government, if you will. This is to say that as God set apart and specially consecrated the Levites to represent Himself unto the people, so also Jesus appoints, anoints, and sends special envoys, ambassadors, to represent Him and His government unto the Church. These envoys are His personal proxies, His delegates, His stand‑ins, whom He sends to convey and effect His purposes, plans, pleasures, and passions.

Gifts Vs. Offices (Part 2)

This is second part of two-part series aimed at demonstrating that there are distinct and vital differences between the nine Manifestation Gifts, aka, the Charismata or Gifts of the Spirit, enumerated in Scripture and the five Ministry Gifts also delineated in Scripture. I urge you to read Part 1 of this series to understand the foundation and framework we are working from in this part. The overall point is that there are indeed major differences between the gifts of the Spirit and the offices Jesus established as the Head of the Church through which to continue His own ministry on the Earth in the Church He is building in His absence and on His behalf until He returns to claim the Church as His Eternal Bride, thereby culminating both the Church itself as well as the Church Age.

A Prophetic Word for 2020

In 2020, one of the emphases of the Spirit will be eschatological events, because God wants His betrothed, the genuine Church He is building, to understand that Jesus’ return is imminent–HE IS COMING BACK SOON! Eschatology is the knowledge and study of endtimes.

The Book of Revelation coupled with the Book of Daniel hold the keys to unlocking the mysteries of the endtimes. The Spirit-inspired words with which the Book of Revelation begins explicitly reveals the reason God revealed it to His Son, who revealed it via an angel to the Apostle John, who was commanded to convey it to the Church: “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to Him to show to His bondservants the things which must shortly take place….” Eschatology consists of “the things which must shortly (soon) take place….” Revelation means the unveiling or uncovering of that which has been heretofore concealed, or a “mystery.” God instructed John to memorialize these things in a book in order that the events of the endtimes be revealed in an understandable fashion to the Body of Christ, particularly believers “upon whom the ends of the ages have come” (1 Cor. 10:11); i.e., believers actually living in the endtimes.

Rick Warren Pied-Piper to Rome

There’s no other way to put it, Rick Warren is on a dangerous path away from sound biblical doctrine toward an ecumenical apostate form of Christianity with Rome that has the potential to lead many astray. The facts stare us in the face. Warren’s pathway to Rome is dangerous!

Why do so few recognize what is happening? Do you know someone who is caught up in the deception but does not see what is going on? Maybe this would be a good time to pray God’s grace would open their eyes, and they would see the truth of God’s word.

Over the last few years, I have been astonished and appalled to learn of the wholesale ignorance and lack of spiritual discernment demonstrated by a number of eminent leaders (many of whom self-identify as apostles) of the Pentecostal/Neo-Pentecostal church stream I have attempted to converse with regarding Rick Warren and others of his ilk who have emerged over the last three decades or so as the prominent proponents and propagators of the apostate teachings associated with the nascent so-called “Emerging or Emergent Church.” The lack of awareness and understanding of those who are touted as the “chiefs of the chiefs” of the most elite and exalted ranks of “apostolic leaders” I’ve attempted to dialogue with regarding this alarmingly fast and facile advance toward apocalyptic apostasy has been nothing short of stunning to me.

The Consequences of Spiritual Barrenness

Sadly, so many believers today hold the view that because they identify as Christians they are and will be subject to virtually or literally no kind of judgment whatsover. It has been disturbing and disappointing to me to learn over time that many in the Pentecostal and Charismatic streams have adopted this mindset as well. They have been indoctrinated with these utterly false, unscriptural, and demonically-inspired notions. In the case of some of these purporting believers, these “doctrines of demons” that are invented and promulgated by “deceiving spirits,” as Scripture foretells, have been seared into their conscience as with a branding iron (1 Tim. 4:1-2), meaning that without miraculous intervention from God (i.e., deliverance), these victims of deception will ultimately, upon their physical death, receive “the shock of their lives” as they are instantaneously confronted with “the One who has been appointed by God as the judge of the living and the dead,” (Acts 10:42), namely the Lord Jesus Christ!