A Statement and Appeal Regarding the Lakeland Outpouring

The following article by Dutch Sheets was published August 21, 2008 on his personal website. It had been my intention to republish it then, in the interest of fairness to him: a) because I have also published criticism of him on by blogs; b) because I am impressed with and blessed by the character he demonstrated in standing up to admit his own indirect complicity in the matter and to repent thereof, and even to be critical of the actions some of his closest ministry friends and colleagues in the matter, knowing the potential for stress his criticisms would engender in those relationships, which he expressly acknowledges; c) because I agree with the overall essence of the points he makes, and believe what he says can be very helpful to many in the Body of Christ who have been confused, dismayed, and their faith challenged by the whole Lakeland debacle, d) in the interest of providing our readers with independent affirmation that there was and remains to be rather widespread concern and criticism regarding the so-called “Lakeland Outpouring” and its principals and, e) because he states well some things that need to be said by someone of his station. Somehow, however, in my busyness, republishing it contemporaneously slipped through the cracks. But, when I ran across the article today, I felt I should republish it now, despite being belated by nearly two years.

The Power and the Pain of True Prophetic Preaching

The power of prophetic preaching actually works in the opposite way we assume it should. If we view things carnally, we believe God chooses gifted orators who hone and shape their skills like a doctor who learns surgery or an actor who learns to perform on stage. But true preaching is not a natural exercise—it is actually one of the most supernatural tasks anyone can ever be called to do. It requires an imperfect human vessel to yield himself (or herself) to speak the very words of God. If we do it in the flesh, the results will be miserable; but if we wholly trust the power of the Spirit, prophetic preaching will unleash God to move however He desires.

The One Trait Needed to Trust a Person

If you are one of those still living under the delusion that you and your life are perfect, or that you have a perfect record, or if you sometimes secretly ruminate within like the Pharisee in Jesus’ parable of the Pharisee and the Publican who had the temerity in the presence of true Perfection, i.e., God Himself, to look at the Publican and hubristically pray, “I thank you I’m not like him and all the other ungodly sinners all around me,” then what you have to look forward to is the day when you realize you are among the most deceived people on the earth. God says ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. God says there is NONE righteous, no NOT ONE! There’s none who seeks for God as they should. All have turned aside, together they’ve become useless. There’s none who does good, no, not one! (cf., Rom. 3:10)

Kingdom Pioneers: You are NOT a failure!

I am very thankful for those pioneers of the Kingdom of God, going all the way back to Abraham, who’ve braved the unknown and the scorn of others to press forward in their obedience to God’s call and leading. We owe everything we are and have to the spiritual and natural pioneers who’ve faced misunderstanding and death at almost every turn to pave the way for those of us in this day to settle and enjoy the blessings and benefits, both from the spiritual and natural dimensions.

Avoiding Strange Fire

Unfortunately, over the course of the more than two-decades since its inception, the enemy has been very busy sowing tares amongst the wheat of the Prophetic Movement. A plethora of false prophets are circulating around Charismatic circles who are offering up strange fire before the Lord as did Nadab and Abihu though they have not been commanded nor sent by the Lord. Claims of gold dust and angel feathers floating down from heaven, gold teeth and fillings miraculously appearing in people’s mouths, appearances of female “healing angels” who hover around the room above the floor, and all sorts of other strange manifestations are attributed as being supernatural works from God, the latest of which is coins supposedly supernaturally sticking to walls, purportedly held there by unseen “angels.” But, is it really God, or is it the false signs and wonders that the Bible warns will abound in the last days before the return of Christ by which even the elect shall be deceived “because they did not receive the love of the TRUTH” (2 Thes. 2:10)? In this article, Jonas Clark explains his view regarding some of these manifestations and how to discern if they are the real deal from God or counterfeits, false signs and wonders, authored by the Deceiver.

Prophetic Purpose

With all the proliferation and promotion of the prophetic that is happily taking place now in some streams and camps of the Church, it is critical that we understand what the true purpose of the prophetic really is. Some prophetic novices and new prophetic groups appear to think that prophecy itself, whether in the form of personal prophesying over people or publishing prophecies on the Internet, for example, is the goal of the prophetic. Moreover, the actions, attitudes, and speech of some regarding the prophetic seem to indicate they think that the prophetic is an end in itself. But, it’s not.

Polemic Prophetic Preaching

The art of the polemic is speaking the right words with apostolic wisdom to put to shame those that oppose the truth. “How forceful are right words” (Job 6:25). The correct argument, using the right words, carries tremendous force. This is not the wishy-washy Christianity that we see so much of today. This is a return to apostolic Christianity.