Is The Devil Really Defeated? Well, Yes and No!

To many people, including many who claim to be Christians or believers in Christ, the matter of the existence and operations of the devil on earth are either basically an unknown or a spiritual conundrum. That is understandable, given the fact that unbiblical or in some cases, antibiblical, preaching and teaching on the matter is ubiquitous, even in the context of self-purported Christian churches. The central theory of that biblically-incorrect teaching to varying degrees is the somewhat misleading assertion: “Jesus defeated the devil on the Cross of Calvary.” While that statement and the set of teachings it represents bears some truth, it nevertheless is not “the whole truth and nothing but the truth!” Rather, it is actually partial truth.

The Demise of the Fivefold Ministry Offices

The holistic abrogation, subversion, and replacement of the Fivefold Ministry Offices through which Jesus intended for the Church He was building to be governed and spiritually edified with a humanly contrived and appointed ecclesiastical hierarchy of human clerics what were neither anointed nor appointed by God to lead and instruct the Church is the primary cause behind the twelve centuries of spiritual debacle and deconstruction known as The Dark Ages.

A Statement and Appeal Regarding the Lakeland Outpouring

The following article by Dutch Sheets was published August 21, 2008 on his personal website. It had been my intention to republish it then, in the interest of fairness to him: a) because I have also published criticism of him on by blogs; b) because I am impressed with and blessed by the character he demonstrated in standing up to admit his own indirect complicity in the matter and to repent thereof, and even to be critical of the actions some of his closest ministry friends and colleagues in the matter, knowing the potential for stress his criticisms would engender in those relationships, which he expressly acknowledges; c) because I agree with the overall essence of the points he makes, and believe what he says can be very helpful to many in the Body of Christ who have been confused, dismayed, and their faith challenged by the whole Lakeland debacle, d) in the interest of providing our readers with independent affirmation that there was and remains to be rather widespread concern and criticism regarding the so-called “Lakeland Outpouring” and its principals and, e) because he states well some things that need to be said by someone of his station. Somehow, however, in my busyness, republishing it contemporaneously slipped through the cracks. But, when I ran across the article today, I felt I should republish it now, despite being belated by nearly two years.

Avoiding Strange Fire

Unfortunately, over the course of the more than two-decades since its inception, the enemy has been very busy sowing tares amongst the wheat of the Prophetic Movement. A plethora of false prophets are circulating around Charismatic circles who are offering up strange fire before the Lord as did Nadab and Abihu though they have not been commanded nor sent by the Lord. Claims of gold dust and angel feathers floating down from heaven, gold teeth and fillings miraculously appearing in people’s mouths, appearances of female “healing angels” who hover around the room above the floor, and all sorts of other strange manifestations are attributed as being supernatural works from God, the latest of which is coins supposedly supernaturally sticking to walls, purportedly held there by unseen “angels.” But, is it really God, or is it the false signs and wonders that the Bible warns will abound in the last days before the return of Christ by which even the elect shall be deceived “because they did not receive the love of the TRUTH” (2 Thes. 2:10)? In this article, Jonas Clark explains his view regarding some of these manifestations and how to discern if they are the real deal from God or counterfeits, false signs and wonders, authored by the Deceiver.

False Unity and the Lakeland Revival Cult (Part 3)

I believe in and covet unity among believers—wholeheartedly. I grealty prefer unity over disunity, harmony over disharmony, accord over discord, concord over controversy, agreement over disagreement, amity over animus. There are numerous Scripture passages stating God’s desire for unity among the Brethren. Genuine unity of the Spirit is vital to the Body of Christ in order to accomplish the purposes and plans of God on Earth. Unfortunately, however, the notion of unity that many in the Church today have been indoctrinated with is not true unity at all, but rather a convoluted counterfeit that is used by some unscrupulous and unaware leaders as a subtle mechanism of manipulation aimed at predomination for self-aggrandizing purposes.